About Us

The Association’s objectives are to advance public education, knowledge and interest in the historical, archaeological, aesthetic and technological study of glass of all periods and all parts of the world by archaeological, historical and scientific research, connoisseurship, conservation, exhibitions, experiments and other means.

The Past

The Association of the History of Glass began as the British National Committee of l’Association pour l’Histoire du Verre, known as the AIHV. When the British National Committee ran the triennal conference for the AIHV in 1978, it was decided that the group should formalise into The Association of the History of Glass, or AHG.

Since that time, the AHG has run conferences and meetings throughout Britain to advance the understanding of ancient glass. In 1996, we began publishing ‘Glass News’, covering new research, exhibitions and other news concerning glass. Our first edition of Glass News is available online, and we continue to produce this newsletter to spread the news about glass!

The Present

Membership is open to anyone interested in the history of glass!

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