
Contact Our Members

These are our members who are happy to be listed publicly for contact.

If you are a member who would like to be listed, here, please select this in your online profile, and ensure that your research interests are listed.

Dr Derek Barker

Stained glass

Dr Cinzia Bettineschi

Pre-Roman Vitreous Materials, Workshops, Archaeometry

Colin Brain

17th-C English drinking glass

Dr Rose Broadley

Early medieval vessel glass, windows and beads

Chen Chen

Levantine glass furnaces

John Clark

Medieval glass

Dr Hilary Cool

Dr Sally Cottam

Roman, Medieval, Compositional analysis

Simon Cottle

British & European Glass 1500-1900. Beilby enamelled glass 1760-1778

Kim Devereux-West

Stephen Draper

Carre, Knole, Mansell

Jill Dymock

Roman and 18th Century

Mark Francis

Georgian and Victorian glass. Irish glass

Dr Ana Franjic

Prof Ian Freestone

Technology, composition, archaeology

Dr Alexandra Guglielmi

Glass in Northwest Europe

Sue Heaser

Glass beads + small finds; Anglo-Saxon beads; Hot glass beadmaking; Experimental Archaeology of glass

Dr Anna Hodgkinson

Late Bronze Age Glass, Egypt, Amarna, Experimental Archaeology, Archaeometry

Dr Caroline Jackson

Errol Manners

Dr David Marsh

Roman trading and consumption of glass

Dr Jeffrey Mitchem

16th & 17th century beads, Spanish explorations and missions in southern North America

Dr Paul Nicholson

Ancient Egyptian, Roman, Technology

Dr Dana Norris

Archaeometry, Conservation, Enamels, Creative Processes

Dr Jim Peake

British and European glass circa 1500-1900, Roman glass, early medieval glass, scientific analysis, technology

Dr Daniela Rosenow

Rachel Russell

c1400 – mid 19th century English and Continental glass

Dr Victoria Sainsbury

Scientific Analysis, Roman, Early Medieval, Recycling

Florentyna Syperek

Ancient, Medieval, Recycled, Scientific

Dr Michael Tite

Production technology

Angela Wardle