
Upcoming Meetings & Events

Non-members are welcome at all events, but reservation is discounted for members. For more information, see our Membership page or contact

We have two upcoming events, please scroll down for further details:

AHG Autumn meeting, to be held online. Saturday 26th October 2024
A Fresh Batch: Current Research in Ancient and Historical Glass

AHG Session at the EAA (European Association of Archaeologists) conference in Rome, 28th-31st August 2024
Going with the Flow: The Many Facets of Glass in Past Societies

A Fresh Batch: Current research in Ancient and Historical Glass

This meeting, to be held online and open to all, will showcase some of the latest research in glass studies. Short presentations are invited and new researchers are particularly encouraged to take part. For more details, and if you wish to submit a proposal (deadline September 15th) please email the organisers, Sally Cottam and Ana Franjic at

This session is to be held on Saturday the 31st of August at Sapienza, University of Rome, starting at 0830. The session is dedicated to the multifaceted evolution of glass use in past societies. Its key aim is to encourage speakers to take a closer look at the transmutable quality of this material, gathered (pun intended) at the intersection of utility and prestige, politics and spirituality, economy and cultural identity. Since its discovery, glass has served both practical and more complex, culturally inflected purposes. Its versatility, malleability, recyclability, and other physical characteristics allowed it to play many different roles in shaping the lived experiences of past societies: from apotropaic eye beads and everyday glassware to stained glass windows and telescope lenses offering links to the heavens. The diverse dimensions of glass use reflect the changing needs and aspirations of past peoples, and even today, glass continues to adapt, shape, and reflect distinct facets of contemporary societies.
More details of the event are available on the EAA website via this link. Abstracts can be viewed here.

Past Meetings

Information about past meetings can be found on our Past Meetings page. Members can also access recordings of past meetings, when available.

If you have photos from past meetings, please add them to our archives by emailing