

In 2006 the Association for the History of Glass, as the British Committee of l’Association Internationale pour l’Histoire du Verre (AIHV), inaugurated a Grant Scheme.

Its purpose is to support small research and educational projects and activities which will advance the study of the history of glass, in accordance with AHG’s charitable aims and objectives.

While Grants are usually restricted to individual awards of 500 GBP, Exceptional Funds may be made available for projects that especially fulfil the societies aims. If you have such a project, please contact the Board to discuss:

Qualifying Activities

Activities relevant to any of the areas of the Association’s charitable aims and objectives may be eligible for support. These include:

  • Practical projects
  • Travel for study and research purposes
  • Publication of scholarly works
  • Attendance at conferences to present research results
  • or other activities relating to the archaeological, experimental, historical, scientific or technical study of the history of glass.

Preference will normally be given to applications for funding for projects either undertaken by researchers based in or with a connection to the UK, or concerning the history of glass made or found in the British Isles.

The Board of AHG determines the amount of funding to be made available for the award of Grants in each year, and the upper limit for individual awards. In the years when AIHV Congresses are held, part of the Grants Fund may be reserved to assist speakers and poster presenters to attend the International Congresses of AIHV.

Application for Grants

Applications for grants are rolling, and will be assessed at multiple points throughout the year.

The Grants sub-committee consider all the applications on merit and by their relevance to AHG’s aims and objectives. 

Each applicant may make only one application in each year, and no two grants may be held at the same time. 

Applications for assistance to attend and present work at an international Congress or a conference should be received at least one month before the event.

Grants in 2024/25

A total of 3,000 GBP (pounds sterling) has been allocated for grants in 2024/25, and individual awards up to 500 GBP will be made. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that their referee’s report is submitted separately and at the same time as the completed application form. Applications without a referee’s report will not be considered. Grants will be made only in GBP (Pounds Sterling)

Application for Grants in 2024/25

Conditions attached to the award of Grants

  1. The successful applicant must write an illustrated report (up to 700 words) explaining the the work undertaken and the results achieved within three months of the completion of the project, for publication in Glass News, the Association’s newsletter. This report is important because it informs other people about the new work and it also supports the Association’s main charitable purpose which is advancing knowledge through the study of the history of glass.
  2. The successful applicant must forward an account of expenditure with supporting receipts to the Hon Treasurer within three months of the completion of the project.
  3. The support of AHG must be acknowledged in any publications resulting from the award.

A form for application for a Grant should be sent by email to: Please also use this address for any enquiries about the grant scheme.

Past Recipients

2023 – Amy Smith & Jayne Holly; to purchase of eight mould-blown Roman glass facsimiles from Mark Taylor & David Hill (Roman Glassmakers) for teaching and outreach at Ure Museum of Greek Archaeology at the University of Reading.
2023 – Charlotte Nash; towards visiting the Qal’at glass bangle collection in Bahrain for a research paper titled ‘Bahrain and the dissemination of Islamic glass bangles: Trade, consumption and female identity’.
2023 – Liam Richards; for attendance of the XVIIIth Conference of the European Ceramic Society to present research on the analysis of early Roman polychrome mosaic glass from the V&A.
2023 – Cristina Boschetti; for attendance of the AHG Spring conference in Oxford to present on ‘Patterns of glass recycling in Rome: new data from the Forum of Caesar (first-sixteenth century CE)’.
2022 – Charlotte Nash; for attendance of the 88th Society for American Archaeology Annual Meeting to present a paper on Islamic Glass bangles.
2022 – Jose Alberto Retamosa; for analysis of the glass relating to activity in the Roman fish-processing area in Baelo Claudia, Spain.
2022 – Lulu Harrison; towards construction of an experimental glass furnace to reproduce glass from local materials, inspired by ancient glass recipes.
2022 – Victoria Stopar; towards the reproduction of colour photographs for the Catalogue of Romano-British Glass Vessels in the British Museum.
2020 – David Rini; towards the reproduction of colour images of late Roman gold-glass vessels for the Journal of the History of Collections.
2019 – Alok Kanungo; towards publication of ‘North Indian Glass Crafts’.
2019 – Rose Broadley; for reproduction of colour photographs for the publication ‘The Glass Vessels of Anglo-Saxon England’.
2019 – Andrew Mayfield; towards the illustration of an Islamic glass vessel from Randall Manor, Kent.
2019 – Suffolk Archaeology Community Interest Group; towards the conservation of medieval window glass.
2018 – Mubariz Ahmed Rabbani; for research into beads from the site of Barikot in the Swat Valley, Pakistan.
2018 – David Govantes Edwards; towards analysis of 8th-11th century glass from Volga, Bulgar.
2017 – Anastasios Antonaros; towards the publication of Roman and early Byzantine glass from Thessaloniki.
2017 – Tim Penn; for work on post-AD79 Roman Glass from Campania: the assemblage from the villa baths at Pollena Trocchia, on the north slope of Mt. Vesuvius.
2016 – Abidemi Babatunde Babalola; towards the investigation of early glass production in south-west Nigeria.
2016 – Almudena Vela Gala; towards the analysis of Roman window glass from Spain.
2016 – Tom Derrick; to travel to Rome to study a Roman glass assemblage from Spolverino.
2016 – David Govantes; towards research on Early Medieval glass furnaces in the Iberian Peninsula.
2015 – Sally Haden; towards travel to and research on Kogyosha and Shinagawa Glassworks, Japan.
2015 – Julie Anne Denton; for attending a symposium in Luxembourg.
2015 – Laura Adlington; for travel to the September AIHV Conference.
2015 – Helen Spencer; for travel to the September AIHV Conference.
2015 – Andrea Ceglia; for travel to the September AIHV Conference.
2014 – Rebecca Wallis; for attending the Glass Circle Tour of the USA May 2015.
2014 – Monica Ganio; for travel to the Nov AHG Study Conference.
2014 – Tassos Antonaros; for travel to the Nov AHG Study Conference.
2014 – Daniel Schavelzon; for publishing and exhibiting British and Spanish glass from 17th century Argentina, excavated 2011-2013.
2014 – Martina Bertini; for a study on Iron Age toggle beads from Atlantic Scotland.
2014 – Matt Phelps; to investigate evidence from Israel for glass production between the late Byzantine and Islamic periods.
2014 – Sarah Maltoni; to attend a conference to present two posters on glass tesserae and glass-working in Italy.
2013 – Ceri Lambden; to fund a glass specialist for material from St Algar’s, Somerset including glass-working material.
2013 – Carrie Swann; for analyzing glass bracelets from Hisn al-Tinat Egypt.
2013 – Juanita Navarro; for a project identifying hybrid all-glass vessels of Venetian and Façon de Venise glass in the collections of the Louvre and la Musee de la Renaissance, Ecouen.
2013 – Elizabeth Hippisley-Cox; for attendance at ICOM-CC ‘Recent advances in Glass, Stained Glass and Ceramics Conservation’ in Amsterdam.
2013 – Chloe Duckworth; for a project examining the remains of glass furnaces in southern Spain.
2013 – Anna Hodgkinson; for fieldwork at Tel al Armana, Egypt.
2013 – Matt Phelps; to attend a conference in Israel.
2013 – Kuan-Wen Wang; for the study of Iron Age glass beads in Taiwan.
2012 – Jules Osbourne; for restoring stained glass in Coventry.
2012 – Chloe Duckworth; to allow presentation of a paper on ‘ToF-SIMS examination of ancient and historic opaque glasses’ at NARNIA conference and workshop in Brussels, April 2012
2012 – Teresa Medici; (PhD student, Universidade Nova de Lisboa) for attendance at ICOM Glass 2012 meeting, New York, Corning and Toledo, USA, June 2012
2011 – Tanja Tolar; (PhD student, SOAS) for study of Islamic enamelled glass and its connection with Byzantium and Venice.
2011 – Monica Ganio; (PhD student, KU Leuven) researching primary glass production in Roman Italy. She was funded to travel to Cranfield to analyse glass as part of her research.
2011 – Elizabeth Schech; (PhD student, Durham University) studying Iron Age beads in their social context.
2011 – Elizabeth Dent; (MA student, University of York) for study of documents relating to the 16th century series of 39 heraldic stained glass panels from Fawsley Hall, Northants.
2011 – Jane Draycot; for research on glass lenses in Egypt during the Roman period.
2011 – James Peake; (PhD student, Cardiff University) to allow attendance and presentation of a paper on opaque yellow glass from Tarbat, Scotland at the ‘Neighbours and Successors of Rome’ conference.
2011 -Ceri Lambin; to fund a glass specialist to write a preliminary report on glass excavated from St. Algar’s Farm Roman Villa, Somerset.
2011 – Mia Leljak; to allow attendance and presentation of a paper on late Roman glass from south Pannonia at the ‘Neighbours and Successors of Rome’ conference.
2010 – Liz James; for the analysis of Romano-British mosaic tesserae.
2010 – Martina Bertini; for the analysis of Iron Age beads from NE Scotland.
2010 – Claire Finn; for a research trip to the Netherlands to study the material culture of drinking and social identities in the 17th century Dutch Republic.
2009 – Hugh Willmott; for travel to Williamsburg, USA to undertake research on Table Glassware of Colonial Williamsburg.
2009 – Astrid van Griffen; to present an oral presentation at the 18th AIHV Congress in Thessaloniki entitled ‘The Harvard (Blaeshke glass) flowers revisited: a technical study of the composition and deterioration process’.
2009 – Carolyn Swan; to present a poster presentation at the 18th AIHV Congress in Thessaloniki entitled ‘Spatial and temporal considerations of technical change: examining early Islamic glass from Ayla, Jordan’.
2008 – Mark Taylor and David Hill (Roman Glassmakers); for the production of short films based on experimental work in 2005 and 2006 on The Roman Furnace Project.
2008 – Nathaniel Erb-Satullo; (Cranfield University) for travel to Leuven, Belgium to conduct isotopic analysis by TIMS of second millennium glass from Nuzi Near Eastern Glass.
2007 – Vera Evison; for colour plates in her publication the Catalogue of Anglo-Saxon Glass in the British Museum, published as British Museum Research Publication No. 167.
2007 – Suzanna Kirk; (Cranfield University) for collection of glass samples from Nuzi held at the Harvard Semitic Museum in Boston to study effects of deterioration of ancient glass.
2007 – Broadfield House Glass Museum; as a contribution towards the purchase of the Jack Haden Glass Archive.